Worldwide Rail Network (240km)

Once upon a time there was the 160km Worldwide Rail Network.
A lot was learned during its construction. Then came U6, and parts
of the rail network became impassable due to the map changes in
Spire Coast area to the north.

Introducing now: The 240km Worldwide Rail Network!

Preview Video:

240km of track, laid out for right side traffic!
The entire rail network was rebuilt from scratch! It largely follows
similar routes as the old 160km version, but has been updated for
U6 and has undergone optimizations pretty much everywhere!

Gentle inclines, corkscrews to overcome larger height differences!
The best rail network is useless if your trains get stuck on an incline
because they're overloaded. This version uses gentle inclines that
pose no problem for fully loaded 6 wagon trains and that should be
fine for even longer trains as well. In places where height differences
needed to be overcome, spirals allow your trains to scale even the
tallest mountain!

Block signals along all tracks, intersections and stations!
If you want to run more than a single train on your tracks, you'll need
signaling. And while path signals can make signaling simple and easy,
I've found that they for some reason slow down trains. So we're using
block signals only! And because this forest of block signals would look
unsightly, they are half-size! You want to use your own half-size block
signals? Check out the HALFLINGS mod at!

Uses under/over intersections for optimized traffic flow!
Whenever a train does a left turn, it normally has to cut across the on-
coming lane, potentially stopping traffic. This rail network uses a mix
of Trumpet Intersections and Under/Over intersections to avoid this!
In addition, you'll find a Turbine Interchange, Pinavia Interchange,
Stack Interchange, False Cloverleaf and an over/under Roundabout
in the layout!

Mostly follows the natural roads and land contours!
The best train network looks a bit jarring if it fights with the landscape.
Instead, this network conforms mostly to the natural shape of the land
and follows along many of the natural roads, being built on pillars that
mostly are between 10m and 20m high. At the same time there are many
straight passages that make it easy to add your own stations where you
want them.

5 multi-level train stations and 20 simple train stations!
To give you something to start with, there are 5 multi-level train yards as
well as 20 simple train stations, all built for trains with 6 carriages. Most
of the simple stations can easily be extended into multi-level yards if
needed. Or tear them down and build your own if you don't want to use
them. It's your map!

Coal power plant supplying 3.8GW!
Trains need power! You'll find a large coal powerplant in the Crater Lakes
area that will provide a bit over 3.8GW of power, covering the basic power
needs of the whole network (2.5GW plus 110MW for each train).

Power lines routed along all tracks!
Yes, rails transmit power, and you can tap into that power at every train
station. But what are you going to do if there's no station in your area? And
what if you just want to fly along the rails, using your hoverpack? This rail
network got you covered, power is carried along the rails from pillar to
pillar, allowing you to tap into your grid wherever you want to!

Hypertube accompanying all tracks!
Is a worldwide hypertube network strictly NEEDED? No, not at all! Is it nice
to have? Sure! And that's why there's hypertubes accompanying the entire
rail network, going from intersection to intersection! Don't want it? While
on the interactive map, unselect all buildings except for the hypertube parts,
then simply delete them. Or simply leave them, you never know when you
might need to take a tube ride!

  • Items count 49,658
  • Coordinates 45,368 / -19,494
  • Only paste on original location Yes
  • Categories Tracks system UPDATE 6
  • Rating
    5 / 5
  • Build version 201,717
  • Author Athrax
  • Download (9,945x) Download
  • File size 2.73 MB
  • Created on Dec 29, 2021, 5:25:15 PM
  • Last updated on Sep 26, 2022, 2:14:56 AM