N7's Concrete Production Facility

Hello everyone! This is my first blueprint I've created, and since I love working on these compact facilities, I thought I'd share one with you!

This is a concrete production facility created to be 99-100% efficient for 2 belts of limestone at 720/min, producing 480 concrete per minute. This is mainly made for those who are near endgame that just want something compact and ready to go. The only thing you have to do is supply the limestone.

There are 16 constructors packed into a tight 5 wide, 10 long, and 8 high structure, all built to be clean, compact, and efficient! For full efficiency, the belts coming in will need to be Mk.5. The splitters providing the limestone to the constructors are all Mk.5, with Mk.1 lifts going from the lifts from the constructors. Mk.1 lifts are taking the concrete under the constructor to mergers with Mk.2 belts on the first floor, which change to Mk.3 on the second floor to account for the extra concrete on the belts. At the end, they go into a merger, which has a Mk.4 belt going into a Mk.4 lift down to the main floor directly above the door for easy access to dump into a chest of your choosing.

For this blueprint you will need: -All milestones for conveyor belts (All variants are used in this build) -Tier 1 "Base Building" (for the walls and the foundations) -From the AWESOME Shop, you will need "Wall Power Outlets Mk.1", "Metal Conveyor Walls", "Metal Door Walls", and "Windowed Walls" (If you don't want have Windowed Walls, you can always replace them with the default walls, but the Wall Power Outlets Mk.1, Metal Door Walls, and Metal Conveyor Walls are required)

I hope it serves you well!

Also big thanks to my friend CoderSyntax, which gave me the idea for the logistics layout for this build!

  • Items count 878
  • Coordinates -238,169 / -213,103
  • Only paste on original location No
  • Categories Complete factory UPDATE 4
  • Rating
    0 / 5
  • Build version 151,248
  • Author N7Soul
  • Download (715x) Download
  • File size 49.32 KB
  • Created on Nov 24, 2021, 9:24:04 AM