Central storage system + automatic sorter - 144 Industrial storage containers inside

Central storage system + automatic sorter

Very versatile central storage system with full sorter system included. It is built from foundations, walls, beams, pillars and signs.

  • 7x15 foundations footprint
  • 93m height
  • 8 mixed input belts MK.5 - maximum throughput speed 6240 parts per minute
  • 8 mixed output belts MK.5
  • 8 sorted output belts MK.5
  • capacity 6912 slots in 144 containers - 2 containers are connected to one smart splitter, so as a maximum you can store 72 different products
  • 8 Sinks to manage overflow - one dedicated per belt to keep full throughput
  • max. consumption 240MW

If you are interesting, check this introduction video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYoQRHatfXs Im sorry for video quality, my laptop is 6 year old already and video should have education character. Im not a youtuber.

WH is fully configured for 36 parts. There are 2 floors with warehouses, i blueprinted second floor from 1st, so 2nd floor is mirrored 1st floor. It is up to you, how you will configure it. Just take into account, right now only 36 products are accepted(each 2+2 containers) and rest not configured items will go firstly to output and then to Sinks.

8 mixed input belts
Means, you can connect 8 mixed belts as input, sorter will do its job, based on setup and sort items to proper containers. Overflow + not configured items are send to mixed output. If output is not connected, they will be sink.

8 mixed output belts
I built it as a possibility to connect another WH blueprint. If you want to extend capacity, just connect mixed output to mixed input of another WH blueprint. Overflow + not configured items from first WH, will be send as input to second WH.

8 sorted output belts
I also included possibility for sorted output. You can decide which container to connect to which output belt. So you can get just one product on output belt, or you will connect more containers to same output belt and then you will have mixed output. As an example how to, right now Rubber is connected to Out3 and Steel beam+Motor to Out4. For better understanding check video.

As i mentioned, i prepared it as plug and play, build and connect inputs from stations, or drone hubs... and enjoy. 32 most usual items are configured yet. If you need to change configuration, it is very easy. Everywhere are signs to lead you. Again, check video to see, how to change configuration. It is pretty easy.

DO NOT send unsinkable item to input. I wanted to avoid programmable splitters due their bugs, so there isn't control implemented. If you send to input something, which can not be sink, it will clog belts in front of Sinks.

It is huge blueprint, you need a lot of inventory slots, more than game can provide. So you have 2 possibilities:

  1. Use mod to increase your inventory size. There is a lot of mods to increase inventory size by 10, 50, 150, 300, 500... for example +150 https://ficsit.app/mod/InventorySpace3
  2. Use SCIM page to edit your save file and increase your inventory size to any number. - https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map load your save game file, click OPTIONS button, add as many slots as you want, export modified save file, load it to game.

Both options are very simple. Then you will be able to collect all resources and build BP. Before build it, save your game. I did all possible tests, but NOT on your computer and not in your game. So safety first! Once you click to build it, your game will freeze for few seconds(there is about 11600 objects). My 6 years old laptop freeze for almost 20 seconds.

You can contact me on discord as [SCUM]Meduza1111#0669

There are no MODS required.
Don't be lazy and rate my blueprint by clicking on stars! Other players also want to know, if this is usable, or trash. Thanks.

All my blueprints https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/blueprints/index/index/idU/30791/user/Katoo
All my megaprints https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/megaprints/index/index/idU/30791/user/Katoo

  • Created on Mar 1, 2024, 3:01:52 PM
  • Last updated on Mar 1, 2024, 7:59:59 PM