Assembler Tower Template

Simple modular support factories with a minimalistic footprint that produce assembly parts in volume. Ideal for making a neat industrial park or placed on the roof of a larger factory.

This blueprint does not produce any product in particular, it is only meant to be a template layout for assemblers. See my Desert Factory blueprint ( for these towers configured for specific products.

North Tower

This is a single floor of the tower. Copy this and paste it over a foundation, repeat at intervals of 22 meters for each floor. You will also need to connect power and conveyor lifts between floors. Floor holes are in the center.

Middle Tower

Tower containing 48 assemblers, 2 x 780pm inputs / 2 x 780pm outputs are under the central column. Drone port provided on the roof, but to use it you will need to reconfigure conveyor lifts to go upward instead of downward.

South Tower

Tower containing 36 assemblers, 2 x 780pm inputs / 3 x 780pm outputs are under the central column. Drone port provided on the roof, but to use it you will need to reconfigure conveyor lifts to go upward instead of downward.

Note that if you intend to used this for fused wire or fused quickwire, you will need to reconfigure 4 x 780pm outputs (9 assemblers per output).

Version History

V2.0: Moved these to a new location because the V1.0 blueprint overlaps with my other swamp blueprints.

  • Rating
    5 / 5
  • Build version 195,135
  • Author xbb1024
  • Download (5,706x) Download
  • File size 215.31 KB
  • Created on Jun 3, 2021, 4:50:10 AM
  • Last updated on Aug 20, 2022, 7:03:18 PM