Drone Platform - Nitrogen Receiver/Unpackager

This is the counterpart to the Nitrogen Extractor Drone Tower blueprint. They are intended to work together, operating in pairs. One pair (send/receive) from a Nitrogen Extractor Drone Tower will send Packaged Nitrogen Gas to this platform, and receive the recycled Empty Fluid Containers in return.

One of these platforms can handle enough throughput to provide 600 Nitrogen Gas per minute, assuming the Extractor Platform paired with it has two Pure nodes hooked up. Even if the platforms are at opposite ends of the map, the 600 throughput is easily maintained.

This platform will unpackage the Nitrogen Gas and output to the front. Any extra Nitrogen Gas that is not consumed by the main output will be routed to the back of the platform. This is facilitated by use of a Variable Output Priority pipe junction, as described in The FICSIT Inc. Plumbing Manual (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MdZ8Xr8P_SF_FL7B6WDjCZGS-x9Cwt-x/view). I haven't actually tested this yet, and am not sure if Nitrogen Gas will behave the same as the other "liquids" with this type of pipe junction, but it's there if you want to experiment.

This blueprint is oriented so that the main output of Nitrogen gas is to the North. If you wish to keep this orientation, you want to paste onto a foundation which is facing due North. If you want it to face West, you should orient your paste foundation to the West. Basically, whichever direction you want the output side to face, just paste it onto a foundation which is oriented in that direction. You can see the orientation of the foundation by hovering with your mouse over the foundation, and a little arrow will show on the popup tool tip. You can right-click and either "Rotate by 90 degrees" or "Update Position" and type in the rotation direction you want.

Here is a link to the matching blueprint, Drone Platform - Nitrogen Extractor - https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/blueprints/index/details/id/1267/name/Drone+Platform+-+Nitrogen+Extracor

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  • Build version 177,909
  • Author BuddyL
  • Download (1,085x) Download
  • File size 18.28 KB
  • Created on Mar 5, 2022, 8:58:59 AM