This blueprint is designed to work together with the Drone Platform - Miner

The Miner platform mines the ore and drones bring the mined ore to one of these platforms. I recommend using both, but of course you're free to build the other side yourself.

Nothing fancy, but it has saved me a lot of time as I have experimented with using drones to supply some of my more remote factories such as the modular nuclear plant.

Testing has shown that even when the Mining platform is at the extreme other side of the map, I can still get better than 600 ore per minute throughput using this dual-drone-tower setup.

Link to the matching Miner Platform:

There are detailed instructions included with the Miner Platform blueprint, but they are not really necessary for this blueprint. Just a couple of things to note:

This platform size is 7x3 foundations, so you can place a 2 meter foundation appropriately. The Output Belts will be facing the direction that your "anchor" foundation is facing when you paste it, so rotate that "anchor" foundation appropriately. If you're not sure what I'm talking about, check the other blueprint linked above, and look at the instructions document linked there.

  • Items count 105
  • Coordinates -175,366 / -205,737
  • Only paste on original location No
  • Categories UPDATE 5
  • Rating
    5 / 5
  • Build version 177,909
  • Author BuddyL
  • Download (1,292x) Download
  • File size 10.85 KB
  • Created on Mar 5, 2022, 8:59:22 AM