240GW self sufficient fuel power plant

240GW self sufficient fuel power plant

Input: NONE

  • 237,600 MW
  • Rubber 1000
  • Plastic 950

No mods required.

Selfsufficient means, there is no input required. On the top floor there are 12 Oil Extractors attached to the Oil Node marked on 3rd image in the Northern Forest Lake.

It is designed to be placed anywhere on the map. Doesn't matter where you build the Power Plant, it will always use the same Node.

Possible cases:

  1. You are already using this Node; (an extractor is already there) - No issue, you can import the 240GW power plant and your extractor(s) will continue to work normally.
  2. There is no extractor on this Node, but you plan to use it in the future - there is a simple solution. First, build an extractor on the Node, then save the game. Load your Save to SCIM and import the 240GW Power Plant. The Extractor you just built will still be there, ready to use at any time. Later on, when you decide to use the Node and want to change the direction of the Extractor for example, you can delete the Extractor and build it again. Just be careful not to delete the Extractor and save the game without rebuilding it. Once you save the game without an extractor placed on this Node, you will not be able to build another Extractor; the Node will not be available. If this happens, see the next case.
  3. You've imported the 240GW Power Plant, there was no Extractor on the Node and then you decide to use it. There is still a solution. Load a clean Save into the game without the Power Plant, build an Extractor on the target Node and save the game. Then load the Save into SCIM and make a MegaPrint of the Extractor you just built. Then load your save with the 240GW Power Plant (where the Node is not available anymore) and import the new MegaPrint created of the Extractor. When you open the downloaded Save, the 240GW Power Plant will keep working and you will have the Extractor working on the Node.

There are Train Stations and Drone Ports for Plastic and Rubber export. In the MegaPrint, all Drone Ports are full of Batteries, so you can start to use it immediately, just make sure to setup Battery delivery. Overflow is connected to 4 Awesome Sinks to prevent congestion. Everything is connected and ready to use. Just connect the wall outlet close to the main entrance door to your Power Network, connect your Train Network and you are good to go! However, if you want to use the Plastic and Rubber, you will need to setup Train Routes and/or Drone Routes.

MegaPrint includes:

  • 280 GWh power storage
  • 2 Train Stations to export Plastic and Rubber
  • 10 Drone Ports to export Plastic and Rubber
  • 2 Drone Ports for Battery input

Known Issues:
There is a significant FPS drop (lag) if you are close to or inside the building. There are roughly 3500 buildings in such a small area, FPS issues are expected. It is designed to produce Power, Plastic and Rubber. It is not recommended to walk around the building. Keep that in mind and don't integrate it with other buildings. If you like walking inside buildings and want to enjoy the view, expect that it could crash your game at anytime. On "Ultra" my laptop only gets 20 FPS inside the building. 40 meters away, it increases to almost 50 FPS. 100 meters from building I get full FPS.

25.7. Anthor released update for SCIM experimental branch. Problem with water extractors solved, so now you can use megaprint also in U8 experimental version. Just be sure, when you open Interactive map editor, there is a big button on top right corner, click there and choose Game branch EXPERIMENTAL. If you will not do it and integrate it in Early access branch, correction script will not replace water resource and you will have in water extractors storages Nuclear waste. Solution tested, works well. Also take into mind, U8 is much more graphically challenging, so expect really low FPS, or game crash, if you are on slow computer and try to go inside building!
For U7 no changes, import it with Early Access branch and all works fine.

I want to thank the Beta Tester Team MajikTom & Ogmosis for excellent testing, bug fixing and advice. Thanks guys!

Don't be lazy and rate my megaprint by clicking on stars! Other players also want to know, if this is usable, or trash. Thanks.

All my blueprints https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/blueprints/index/index/idU/30791/user/Katoo
All my megaprints https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/megaprints/index/index/idU/30791/user/Katoo

  • Rating
    5 / 5
  • Build version 211,839
  • Author Katoo
  • Download (2,698x) Download
  • File size 2.32 MB
  • Created on Apr 16, 2023, 3:48:58 PM