Aluminum Factory - 120 sheets, 120 casings, 120 batteries

120 alclad sheet, 120 alclad casing, 120 batteries

*Update: Corrected Sulfur amount input sign, added missing water input sign, and upgraded some belts on the copper ore load balancer and one belt on the wire output line

Note: If this is your first aluminum factory, this build does use MK5 conveyors for the bauxite ore. You'll need to purchase some alclad sheets from the AWESOME shop to build this.

Alt Recipes: Sloppy Alumina, Electrode Aluminum Scrap, Pure Aluminum Ingot, Alclad Casing, Classic Battery

I did have to make a few fixes after I placed this blueprint in my game. i did my best to duplicate those fixes into the blueprint, but I might have missed something. Please let me know if I did.

Inputs are labeled with the amounts needed.

Inputs can be brought in by belt, drone, truck, train, whatever. If you are planning to use drones, I've added containers for the plastic and petroleum coke so that you can prefill those to get some batteries to power the drones. All products are sent to containers, you decide how you want to get them out.

Power switches can be found on the first and second floor. Power on the first floor and allow it to back up before turning on the switch on the second floor.

  • Created on 2024/04/19 12:55:41
  • Last updated on 2024/06/03 15:07:42