Storage Container Part II

This is the Storagepart to the Storage Building. Place this after u placed (Storage Part I)


It is huge blueprint, you need a lot of inventory slots, more than game can provide. So you have 2 possibilities:

Use mod to increase your inventory size. There is a lot of mods to increase inventory size by 10, 50, 150, 300, 500... for example +150

Use SCIM page to edit your save file and increase your inventory size to any number. - load your save game file, click OPTIONS button, add as many slots as you want, export modified save file, load it to game.

You can insert Powerslugs, they got Smart Splittet at the End. You can Place Contructers to craft Powershards. Powershards will flow aotumaticly in the System. The same with Alien Organs. Place 4x Constructers at the Output of the Splitter and craft Alien DNA Capsuls, the will flow aotumaticly in the System. There are 2 free Container. Configurate the Smartsplitter and the Sign like u want.

Decorated like u want.

Have Fun.

Costs: 10775x Alclad Sheet; 6956x Concrete; 6460x Steel Beam; 4800x Steel Pipes; 4698x Quartz Crystal; 1862x Iron Plates; 1621x Reinforced Iron Plates; 600x Quickwire; 445x Iron Rods; 334x Rotor; 220x Wire; 167x AI Limiter; 57x Cable

Note: Updated because there where a MK4 Lift, now a MK5 Lift

  • Data utworzenia 6 maj 2024, 11:14:29
  • Ostatnia aktualizacja 6 maj 2024, 18:00:23